I become annoyed when some folks diss
Chad Kroeger of
Nickelback as being unsexy because, well, I think he's hotter than fuck! Certainly he is indeed my type, so what if he looks a bit unkempt, grungy maybe even a little bit dirty (one can only dream)? I personally find the sort mucho caliente. And by mucho, I mean like
hellfire hot. Doesn't hurt either that I have that
Chad Kroeger bulge to drool over, too. Kind of wouldn't mind literally drooling over it, as in
all over it, if you know what I mean. Damn.
So to each his own, I suppose, but this guy puts a
rise in my Levis, that's for sure. Okay, so the last picture here is
not a bulge pic, granted ... but probably still one of the sexiest ones anyway, the shirt off, the jeans pulled down just to there, yep, that one makes my jeans a little bit snug in the crotch just as much.