Brent Everett, if you are not aware, is a Canadian gay porn actor. Seeing as how he's been in a whopping fourteen-plus flics since '03 I'd reckon you might have heard of him. Or seen him dicking around online. Speaking of whopping, he's got a nice whopper cock! Nice bod, too bad about those teeth, though. Anyhoo, for your holiday viewing pleasure, whip it out and whack it off, you'll get over his goofy looks I swear. Don't know why exactly, but I think he is a hottie anyway. I'm supposing it must have something to do with that dick, and the bulging underwear, a fetish.
[Update 1/9/10... For whatever reason the video has been down, I don't know why it would have been removed for any reason since this guy has posted videos of himself all over, but I'm sure if you head on over to and do a search you'll still find plenty of him there. And I do mean plenty.
Colin Farrell - David Beckham - Jake Gyllenhaal - Ben Affleck - Brad Pitt - Ashton Kutcher - Mario Lopez - Orlando Bloom - Justin Timberlake - Hugh Jackman - Zac Efron - Antonio Sabato Jr. - Matthew McConaughey - Tommy Lee - Daniel Radcliffe - Jude Law - Mark Wahlberg - Johnny Depp - Matt LeBlanc - Leonardo DiCaprio
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Mmmmm, Bacon
Kevin Bacon and that bulging cock always on display. I watched the movie Footloose more times than I can count, not just for the so-so story line, but to watch over and over Kevin in his tight jeans and bulging crotch. Showed some nice bulge action in Tremors too. Weird that I never saw this movie Wild Things considering full on frontal nudity here. I guess this would probably be the best part of the movie anyway, showing off the best part of Kevin Bacon.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I'd Do Duhamel
Photog Greg Gorman's book As I See It
surprises me still, how that he got guys like Josh Duhamel, for example, to bear it all cock and balls hanging out there. Duhamel seems a bit arrogant to me, not really a fan, but yeah, his hottiness can't be argued. He is cute, it's just that he knows it. Cocky bastard. Speaking of which, from the book ...

Yeah, Josh Duhamel he's good-looking, has a killer bod and sure I'd like to get busy with that dick! Kind of makes my mouth water. I suppose I could tolerate a shitty personality to get me some of that. Plus he fills out a pair of trunks pretty well, too, nice bulge. Used to be a video floating around from some movie, showing him in pair of shorts, bulge full on display, diving into a pool, wet. Yum. Seems it's nowhere to be found, removed due to violation of whatever the hell. But yeah, there are still the stills! Not quite the same but it'll have to do.

Yeah, Josh Duhamel he's good-looking, has a killer bod and sure I'd like to get busy with that dick! Kind of makes my mouth water. I suppose I could tolerate a shitty personality to get me some of that. Plus he fills out a pair of trunks pretty well, too, nice bulge. Used to be a video floating around from some movie, showing him in pair of shorts, bulge full on display, diving into a pool, wet. Yum. Seems it's nowhere to be found, removed due to violation of whatever the hell. But yeah, there are still the stills! Not quite the same but it'll have to do.

Friday, December 4, 2009
No-Name Vintage Bulges
After going old school with Dallesandro the other day, got me to thinking. Sure Joe Dallesandro was smack dab in the midst of that all-sex era in the late sixties, flashing cock in most of his movies and pics. I think (not sure, too lazy to confirm, so sue me) that in one flick he even took a dick up his ass. Or maybe that's just a fantasy thing I made up, I could be wrong.
But pre-JD - going really really old school, were all those models in the fag rags of the time, under guise of a legit magazines ... bodybuilding and stuff. Truth be told barely (pun intended) passing not being called porn, there might not have been nudity but everything just short of it! Posing straps? C'mon, particularly those mostly seen through. Cock and balls galore, vintage style, when things were more proper. Of course, some were just beefcake shots for jerking off to, but still funny somehow pretending to be proper.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Rockin' That '70s Bulge
Ah, the 1970s ... the styles, the clothes, the music, the bulges! Whatever was up with the tight poly-pants in the '70s I'm not sure, but I do enjoy the way they wore them always tight. A bulging package was practically a mandatory accessory it seems! Personally, I always did like this song (confession time) but never recall seeing the actual video. I would have remembered, believe me, Andy Kim showing off quite a nice cock bulge. I'd have rocked him gently, slowly, however he'd have wanted it.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Old School Dallesandro
And by "old" I mean old ... Joe Dallesandro, the sexy hot and frequently nekkid (!) underground film star back in the Warhol hey-days, yeah he's old now. I really wouldn't care to see any of his naked parts anymore, past 60 years and the naughty bits really ought to stay hidden. But damn, he was really most excellent fodder for whacking off back then if I had been of age, I'd reckon. Of course now that I am of age and then some, fortunately the pics and flicks of the Dallesandro glory days remain and yep, work for me. Never really showed a bulge from what I can tell, except of course for the famous Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers album cover, eportedly Joe's package. You know what the Stones said, though, you can't always get what you want, sometimes you get what you need.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Prince Willy
It has been about a year, I think, since I first saw this most shocking of royal scandals, Prince William taking a piss with cock on full display ... somehow apparently witless to or maybe just unconcerned about the perpetual plethora of pursuant picture-snapping paparazzi (I love alliteration), routine to anytime a royal steps outside the castle gate. I'm not proud to admit it, but I did enjoy seeing the pics, however, and I still do. I should have some modicum of respect for royalty I suppose, but really, I just wanted to see his dick. I'm not British, to me he's just another nekkid celeb guy. Plus I always thought he was sexy after he grew up and into his looks, so yeah. Of course, Prince Harry has turned into quite a little hottie himself, I'd say passing up even his bro. Wouldn't mind taking a gander at what he's packing, either.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
That Taylor Vampire Guy With The Big Bulge
If not for the rampant frenzy surrounding these teenybopper vampires as of late, what with the Twilight and now the New Moon ruckus, this guy Taylor Lautner would remain Taylor Who to me. Never heard of him, excepting for seeing him lately on the talk show circuit plugging away. And frankly, speaking of him plugging, I can't say that I'd mind too much that! From the look of that bulge he's packing, well ... I should say no more, really. Already said too much, inappropriate and I should take it all back, figuring that I just now learned in checking him out (other than that lump in his pants) that he has another couple of months yet to be legal. So I'll shut up for now, but if he's old enough for sucking blood now, well ... I'm just sayin'. Until then, no harm in clicking.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Oh No! Mo' Cristiano Ronaldo
I stand by my previous assertion about Mr. Cristiano Ronaldo. I couldn't care one whit about his soccer god superstardom, or the male modeling thing (that one is certainly a headscratcher!) He's just plain goofy looking. But he is certainly crotchwatch worthy as I've said before, with that always-out-there bulging. I do enjoy that, very much. These are definitely clickworthy, the bigger the bulge the better!

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Who Knew Voodoo?
Academy, that is. As in Voodoo Academy, the movie from a few years back. Lame, lame and did I mention lame? But I'm a sucker for low-budget horror flicks, fun to watch, I can't answer why exactly. Particularly this one fun, lots of young muscular guys, writhing around in their underwear, rubbing their cock bulges ... all for no apparent reason I can tell. The plot of the story, the headmaster (heh heh, I said 'headmaster') of the academy's nefarious plan to use the boys enrolled there to resurrect Satan. Somehow. I dunno, it really makes no sense, and why all the crotch self-loving helps to that end, who knows? But however it helps or doesn't, Satan resurrected or no, it does help keeping the movie worth watching. Or maybe that's just me, hottie boys in underwear are a fetish thingy for me anyway. And as always, me lovin' the bulgin'! Like this here video ...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Fifteen Minutes of Bulge Fame
Another diversion this Friday, sometimes my regular bulge fetish takes over. No famous faces, bodies or bulges here (as far as I know, except for that one guy who I think was a porn star back when ... don't remember his name) but nonetheless some fine bulges in jeans. A favorite of mine, the jeans thing. Cock-hugging denim bulges do it for me every time. Anyway, not just celebrity crotch deserves its fifteen minutes of fame! I kind of like the long-haired stoner guy for some reason, don't really know why, but he looks like he'd be fun. Probably old and ugly now, but still, I think he was oddly cute in this picture.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Mario In Motion
Yeah, Mario Lopez is hot in a cutesy sort of way, everyone thinks so. I could do without that boyish face and the dimples, myself. He's practically middle-aged already and still looks like he might be summoned to Mr. Belding's office for something or another. Okay, maybe I'm just jealous, him aging so well. He is boyishly cute, but no denying that from the neck down he is all grown up, all man, all sex. His body, his bulge ... his bouncing bulge ... that dick flopping around ... a bit distracting, so who cares what's from the neck up anyway?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Whoa Santonio
I've mentioned before how I enjoy the football, I do! And not just because of the boys rough-housing about in their tight bulging pants, either. But Pittsburgh Steelers' wide receiver Santonio Holmes, I have more reason to admire than his Super Bowl MVP win a couple of years ago ... take a gander at the last picture below, click for a better view. Damn, you'd need to be a wide receiver yourself, too, to take that dick up your ass! I would sure be willing give it a try, though.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Dick of Dorff
I first remember seeing Stephen Dorff in the Aerosmith video Cryin' way back when. If I remember correctly, and I'm too lazy to check really, Alicia Silverstone co-starred in that same video with the Dorff man. Whatever, I thought he was sexy as fuck then. After, I caught reruns of sitcoms he'd guest starred in younger, and hell, who knew? I checked out his filmography which is almost as big as his dick. Stephen Dorff has been in more movies than I'd have known, I've seen none of them.
Except for when I found out he starred fully and frontally nude in Shadowboxer a few years ago, had to see that one. Of course I waited until I could rent it, the better to pause and zoom. Couple of nice beach bulge pics of him here, but the goodies inside that package from Shadowboxer follow, responsibly condom-clad but still some nice cock shots. I'd bend over for him any day.

Except for when I found out he starred fully and frontally nude in Shadowboxer a few years ago, had to see that one. Of course I waited until I could rent it, the better to pause and zoom. Couple of nice beach bulge pics of him here, but the goodies inside that package from Shadowboxer follow, responsibly condom-clad but still some nice cock shots. I'd bend over for him any day.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
A Thing That Makes You Go Hmmmm ...
Who is this player? I don't know. Team? Not a clue. I do watch soccer, though, just not a huge fan as other sports. But I'm sure he's a celebrity of some sort. I kind of like watching the games, though ... the guys running around many bulges bouncing around in the shorts, yep. Bulges R Us. Then there are those, like this bloke, with an apparent penchant for going commando. A freeballing accident just waiting to happen, that is, as proven here. Next time this dude might reconsider. Somehow I find this entertaining, though, even though his dick looks kind of skinny.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hanging Chad of the Kroeger Sort
I become annoyed when some folks diss Chad Kroeger of Nickelback as being unsexy because, well, I think he's hotter than fuck! Certainly he is indeed my type, so what if he looks a bit unkempt, grungy maybe even a little bit dirty (one can only dream)? I personally find the sort mucho caliente. And by mucho, I mean like hellfire hot. Doesn't hurt either that I have that Chad Kroeger bulge to drool over, too. Kind of wouldn't mind literally drooling over it, as in all over it, if you know what I mean. Damn.
So to each his own, I suppose, but this guy puts a rise in my Levis, that's for sure. Okay, so the last picture here is not a bulge pic, granted ... but probably still one of the sexiest ones anyway, the shirt off, the jeans pulled down just to there, yep, that one makes my jeans a little bit snug in the crotch just as much.

So to each his own, I suppose, but this guy puts a rise in my Levis, that's for sure. Okay, so the last picture here is not a bulge pic, granted ... but probably still one of the sexiest ones anyway, the shirt off, the jeans pulled down just to there, yep, that one makes my jeans a little bit snug in the crotch just as much.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Superman Soulja Boy's Crank
Where the hell have I been not to be so current about the bulge newsfront to have been unaware of these pictures of Soulja Boy's exhibitionist self from last summer ... LAST SUMMER! ... self-promoting his baby arm stiff dick stuffed inside the boxer briefs? I'm slipping, but better late than never. Of course, probably a valid excuse is that I am no fan (in fact, is there such a thing as an anti-fan?) so that might explain it. But I don't have to like the dude to like what he's packing in the bulge department. Okay, it's not that awfully impressive, really, simply due to whom that rod belongs, but hey, I can forget about that long enough to enjoy it some I suppose. I'm just annoyed that I went unaware for this long.
Anyway ... so what is with the stupidity of all these celeb and quasi-celeb guys, the Pete Wentz fallout boy thing comes to mind, snapping their own cellphone shots of themselves and their privates then claiming, oh yeah, I only sent it to one person, never meant for it to be seen really. Right ... big dicks, big egos, small brains, bad liars.

Anyway ... so what is with the stupidity of all these celeb and quasi-celeb guys, the Pete Wentz fallout boy thing comes to mind, snapping their own cellphone shots of themselves and their privates then claiming, oh yeah, I only sent it to one person, never meant for it to be seen really. Right ... big dicks, big egos, small brains, bad liars.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Bouncing Bulge of Ballack
All righty then. So you don't have to be a soccer fan to appreciate or be lustfully aware already of the sport's superstar Michael Ballack's always flopping bulge. The boy doesn't know the meaning of support, but I'm certainly not complaining. I enjoy greatly ogling him sporting such a big package. Yep, the pics and flicks of the bulge that is Ballack are numerous and have apparently quite the fan club following, myself included, but always worth a refresher. Personally, I could watch the end bouncing bulge video here below (and admittedly have) more times than is probably healthy, but I really have no explanation other than it is just so damn bulgetastic how can I resist?

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Duchovny Flashback, Still Red Hot
It's not that I'm prone to living in the past, really, but some moments are simply too classic to not warrant a second (or second hundredth) look-see. Like David Duchovny's X-Files' red Speedo moment. The man is without doubt never shy about flaunting his prominent bulge, whenever and whatever the situation, but this scene must be the defining example of Duchovny's bulging showing off.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Aaron Tippin, Exception to the Rule
You know how sometimes (well, often really) when a guy no matter how much you might have panted after the bulge in his pants years ago in his younger days suddenly gets old and then you really kind of avoid even looking anywhere near the crotch vicinity at all anymore for fear of maybe throwing up a little bit in your mouth because there's nothing worse than an ancient saggy ball sack flopping around down there and somehow the lust has turned to loathing but then again there are exceptions to every rule and someone that no matter how much older he gets almost seems to get hotter and bulgier with age and you still get off on his obvious package bulging as captivating as ever. My exception to the old man rule, exhibitionistic freeballing country music superstar Aaron Tippin, I still want me some of that.