All right, give me a break. No bulge-flaunting celebrity dudes here, I know. I said I know! Actually, I wouldn't know either way, not a big track and field guy. I'm more football and Nascar, but I do watch a match if I happen across one while channel-surfing on weekends.
Like I said, not a fan, really, but can't bring myself to change the channel. Like earlier this afternoon. I wonder why not? Ah, indeed. The always revealing, cock hugging lycra onsies or whatever they're called, can't avert my eyes. Track and field is I suppose if nothing else, certainly a most excellent spectator sport.
So yeah, some of these guys here in this bulge-fest might be celebrity in their own right, but either way, like I said, give me a break here. Even the unknowns, from the look of their bulging packages, seem to be up and coming!